Friday, August 24, 2012


“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”   


We had everything to say to each other, but no ways to say it. 


 A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.


When a Guy does Something Wrong!
Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!
Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :(

When a Girl does Something Wrong!
Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident. I didn't mean to!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry..!!:(

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